I've bookmarked HTML Clinic as my all-time best place to go when working with HTML. Starts with the basics and has everything you need to know to build a website in HTML. Just copy and paste and you've GOT it!
... and of course, Lycos' Webmonkey - tutorials on everything, whether you're a beginner or advanced webMASTER!
If I'd found PageTutor first it's probably the one I would have used to learn HTML. Super easy, down-to-earth language... another good reference "book."
If you're ready for it... I've bookmarked a couple of "webmaster e-zines." For starters you might want to try Web Review.
... and then there's Development Articles. Some of it's way above my head and some isn't, so don't be frightened off by some of the titles!
I've joined a Yahoo group - Blogging Community. So try it; you might like it - if for no other reason, they offer a new viewpoint about blogging.