Saw my first robin of the year yesterday! Actually grampa saw it first. There, nestled in the snow-covered branches of our backyard crabapple tree, were two of them! We had four to six inches of snow on the ground, but I guess it's his internal rhythm that tells the robin when to return north.
It's really been a busy month! I'd promised our SVCA friends that I'd give a presentation about how easy it is to create a website. Well - of course - I had to start by - what else? - I created a website on how to create a website! If you haven't yet, check it out - Granni39'sWebTutorial! Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to be able to list your website there, too.
granni39 with SVCA's new President |
It was fun! I love that kind of "busy". Also learned how to use PowerPoint and really like it! It almost makes me wish I had a reason to give presentations more often! The actual presentation was on Valentine's Day. We really had a good turnout - several people actually said they came especially because of my presentation! Okay, I'll admit... that's a REAL ego trip. Gave me the confidence to really ham it up and so I did!
Earlier in the month we took a little side trip with Patti, Richard and David to look for deer in the section of Dow property where the deer are encouraged to congregate. They weren't up close to the fence as is their custom, but we could see them out near the wooded area. While we were out we stopped by the Bay City State Park. How it has changed!
Patti, David and I trecking through the ice-encrusted "beach" |
Water level on the bay is so low that the beach goes on forever. Wouldn't be so bad except that government restrictions forbid cleanup of the resulting weed growth, so it's becoming a swampy "wetlands" area! I personally don't see how this can, overall, be good for the environment. Natural weather cycles created similar situations in the past, but the beaches were maintained. When the water came back, we had clean swimming areas instead of the stinky muck that the Bay City State Park is becoming. In the summer, parts of the park look like some of the swamps seen in desolate, low-lying areas throughout Michigan.
The New Reformation Dixieland Band |
We attended grampa's second Teddy Bear Reunion this year - the annual event put on by St. Mary's Hospital for people who have had heart surgery at St. Mary's. Grampa took pictures and I put them up on a website - Teddy Bear Reunion - for attendees to view. Loved the entertainment - the New Reformation Dixieland Band, a group that started right there in Saginaw, Michigan, although they now perform around the world. They were so good that granni actually bought their latest CD!
Geoffrey, featured soloist, with his French horn during the WestShore Symphony's February concert |
The coup de gras - the frosting on the "cake" of a frosty February - our grandson Geoffrey played a French horn solo in the West Shore Symphony Orchestra. Thanks to the fair weather, we were able to attend. We were pleased to learn - during the concert, that Geoff was one of the study grant recipients for his essay on "How I Have Benefited as a Member of the WSYS."
He's a very promising musician and is thinking of going to a school especially for musicians for his last year of high school. From there, who knows? His mom (our daughter) is a wonderful, practicing musician, when she's not serving in her chosen profession as music director at a local high school. He has aunts and uncles on both sides of his family that are musically talented and his cousins are pretty good, too. (Do I sound like I'm bragging? His talented aunts are granni's other daughters and the cousins are our other grandchildren!) With that kind of environment, how can you lose? Go.... Geoff!!!